Orbita in TOC Americas 2018
Known and new customers
TOC Americas this year has been an excellent opportunity to discuss on site our customer needs and how we can add value to their operation. It is always interesting sitting around the same table and see which are the points to work on together. It is not only about the technical details, which of course have been explained to the needed extent, but also about the bigger picture: the purpose of automation and how it can help the client achieve its goals.
A safety concern
This year, Terminals have told us about their concern regarding safety. Unfortunate accidents have put on top of the list the need for automated solutions, that increase safety and security within the Terminal area.
In these terms, our Yard CraneTLA system has captured the attention. This is a Truck Lifting Avoidance system that works on RTGs to avoid dangerous situations, like the one that happens when a twistlock is not released before the container is lifted. If you want more information, you can read this post.

Truck Positioning System
Our Truck Positioning System, CraneTPS, has also succeed because it is a very simple, standalone product to be installed under the STS crane or in the RTG. Its purpose is to efficiently position the truck in the right place for an optimum load and discharge of the container. In terms of safety, it also avoids human presence in those areas and reduces effective operation times per load or discharge, since the truck is exactly positioned based on the spreader trajectory. Do you want to know more? Just click here.

Thank you for coming
We are always glad to meet business partners, media and new visitors. Therefore, if you had the time to come and visit us, we would like to thank you for stopping by and say hello. It is always a pleasure for us to receiving you in our stand. See you next year in Cartagena!