STS Crane Automation at Terminal Darsena Toscana STS Crane Automation DCT Gdansk Implementation of a Vehicle Booking System at DCT Gdansk. APM Terminals Quetzal Automation of 5-lane container terminal entry, exit, shuttle and weighing gate. Noatum Terminal Valencia Big Data acquisition from more than 160 Container Handling Equipment. APM Terminals Barcelona Automation of 10 lane container terminal entry and exit gate. Boluda Terminal Marítima de Tenerife Automation of 4-lane container terminal entry, exit and weighing gate. Grimaldi Terminal Barcelona Automation of 5 lane container terminal entry and exit gate. MSC Valencia Design and installation of a terminal energy management system. Port Authority Valencia Automation of access gates incorporating Megaports radiation detection devices and paperless customs release system. APM Terminals Valencia Automation of 8 lane container terminal entry and exit gate.
APM Terminals Quetzal Automation of 5-lane container terminal entry, exit, shuttle and weighing gate.
Boluda Terminal Marítima de Tenerife Automation of 4-lane container terminal entry, exit and weighing gate.
Port Authority Valencia Automation of access gates incorporating Megaports radiation detection devices and paperless customs release system.