Remote control with TOS integration
TMEIC CraneOS software efficiently provides a single interface for control and exception handling of TMEIC’s CraneSuite products. As part of CraneSuite, CraneOS can integrate CraneCCR, Crane Truck Positioning or Container Damage Inspection software as required, in a single centralised interface.
Identification ship-to-shore crane operations.
CraneOS can be also integrated with GateOS to create a remote Control Center where operations at the Terminal Gates, sea and land, are monitored and managed by the same personnel.
CraneOS captures information about Crane Operations, including container OCR, container type, weight, and shares the information with the Terminal Operating System (TOS) to provide a comprehensive interface where a remote clerk can manage exceptions and effectively oversee crane’s operation.
Image and video captures for further damage inspection are also stored so the authorized personnel can afterwards check them in order to prove container status or review the loading or unloading process in case it has to be analysed.